Yay! You have finally received your photos from one of the BEST days of your life … your wedding day! But… what now?

Back up those files! The very first and most important step is backing those puppies up!!! You want to make sure you have them backed up in multiple safe places, you know… incase you lose that USB, or that hard drive stops working on you, then at least you have them downloaded somewhere else as well. You paid a lot of money for those… you definitely don’t want to lose them by accident! Some ideas for places to store them are Google Drive, iCloud, USBs, or an external hard drive!
Prints and Photo albums! Although we live in a mostly digital age… printing out your photos to frame or put into photo albums is still such a special way to display these AMAZING photos of the two of you… cause lets face it, you looked good and you want to show that off while also basking in those memories! I find also that if you just keep your photos digitally… you won’t look at them as often (maybe just on an anniversary) as you would if you had a beautiful photo album on your coffee table or some prints up on your walls!
Photo albums in particular are special because its a place where you can print all of the photos from the beginning of the day to the end and really use that to tell the story of the day. To deliver my online galleries I use a website called Pic-Time and through that site you can easily purchase an album with your fav pictures to get delivered directly to you, it is SO. EASY.
I love prints because when they are framed in great quality up on a photo wall they create nostalgia. You can create a photo collage in your living room, or make a statement with some lined up down the hallway, or print square prints to hang up on your fridge! There are so many endless possibilities with options to put prints around your house so you can really have fun with it!
As I said before (and we all know)… we live in a digital age, so you can also share your wedding photos online as well! Friend and family that were guests at your wedding will be excited to see them for 1. To see photos of themselves, 2. To see how the rest of the day went that they weren’t apart of. Also people that weren’t invited would also love to see your wedding day as well!

Great tips Maria! We have our wedding photos that you took placed up on the wall in our new home, and we had them printed in a photo book as well. 🙂 They look great!